Circle S CSA delivery Monday, June 12, Thursday, June 15 and MSFM pick-up Wednesday, June 14

“Life is delicious; waste not one bite.”
-Adrienne Posey


Meet Tip.  He is our newest member of the Circle S dog pack.  He loves long naps, big runs, muddy waters, and ….cauliflower.  Our dogs have a diverse diet here at Circle S, which includes vitamin rich veggies.  We may not be so proud of some of the other items they choose, including excrement, but our pups know what they love.

This was part of the beginnings of Temple Top Dog Treats, feeding dogs locally sourced meat from healthy animals including beef from Circle S and healthy veggies….the uglies, and split and cracked and still…..delicious carrots and sweet potatoes.

But our dogs here eat other things too, and they all have their favorites.  Temple loved green beans and Gram loved….Blueberries.  I read recently that puppies that are allowed to eat veggies and other foods along with their puppy food are healthier.  And no surprise why….it’s back to the diversity thing.  Our health, and the health of our canines, felines, bovines etc, comes from diversity.  Colorful, flavorful, different ….foods.

On that note:

Farm News:  Tip loves cauliflower.  And radishes.  He loves the garden in general.  And he loves hanging out with the hens.  Hope that doesn’t get him in trouble down the road.  Speaking of which….Diamond (our other Blue Heeler) had a run in with a wild turkey hen this morning.  We were walking the fence after moving cows and she came up on a nest.  That hen came at both of us with both wings out making an awful ruckus.   I, for one, made a run for it!  Trying to outrun Diamond so she would get the flogging.

What’s in the bucket?

Some lasts and firsts this week….last week Napa cabbage, first week green beans.  Last week kale (maybe, we’ll see how that goes) first week fennelRed, white and blue potatoes, cauliflower, summer squash and small onions in there too.  The small onions dry first.  The larger ones we hang in the hay barn until their tops dry and they soak up all the sugar that make them sweet.

Folks, if you have not tried chili crisp, it is delicious.  A friend and really good cook introduced me to this condiment.  Needless to say, I will be trying to make my own version when our chili peppers come in to avoid some preservatives.  But, until then, my stir fries, cauliflower, roasted veggies will be flavored with the stuff in this little jar.

No Recipe Recipe

Veggie Crisp

Cut cauliflower, potatoes into small pieces

Cut green beans and onions into pieces

Keep in separate bowls and toss with a little olive oil, salt and pepper and a healthy spoonful of Chili Crisp (make sure you get all the good stuff in the bottom of the jar).

Get potatoes and cauliflower roasting on a sheet pan at 350 degrees.  Wait until after they start to sizzle and cook and become tender, then add green beans and onions so they won’t overcook.  Roast until cauliflower is a bit charred.

Serve with a sprig of parsley and waste not one bite.

Happy Eating and thanks for buying local food from Circle S.


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