Circle S Farm CSA delivery Monday, July 18, and Thursday, July 21 MSFM pick-up Wednesday, July 20

“The only time you start at the top is when you are digging a hole”.
-Sam Chard

As farmer’s it seems we are always digging a hole. Always starting at the top.  Holes for plants, holes to dig potatoes, post holes for fence, and sadly, holes to bury an animal.

Lately, Diamond and I have been digging potatoes.  She would have been a great search and rescue dog because she loves to search, and she loves to dig, and her nose knows.  But she has been saddled with the task of digging potatoes instead of greater things (I guess I could argue that for myself too.)

Farm News:  I have been bushhogging our fields today and trying to dodge the baby deer.  They are amazing.  Their Mom’s bed them down in the tall brush.  I can see the grass moving first and then out they come – on the run.  Spots a blur.  I jumped up 6 and then had to stop.  Much too stressful.

Still missing Otis.  Curtis and I parked the flatbed where all our four dogs are buried, and at sunset we sit.  Diamond too.  And miss our friends.

What’s in the bucket:  Purple potatoes are back (thanks to Diamond!), Tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, onions, cucumbers or summer squash or okra, maybe Silver Queen corn for halfshares that didn’t get any corn last week…  hopefully edamame or field peas.  They are so close….if not – then next week.

As we all know, the internet is a fantastic source for recipes.  I still use my cookbooks now and then, but often I just search what I want to make – so that’s the problem.  What’s for dinner?  Purple potato gnocchi with fresh tomato sauce?  Tomato pie?  Lately Curtis and I have been having cucumber and corn salad with red onions and oil and vinegar dressing.

Here’s how:  cut corn off several ears.  slice cucumbers.  slice a red onion very thin.  drizzle with olive oil and red wine vinegar.  sprinkle with salt and pepper.

It is better if it sits for an hour or so – but delicious either way.  You could add feta cheese – but why?

At some point this summer you should try my Mother’s gazpacho: (you could add sweet corn to it also:)

Happy Eating, Happy Potato digging and thanks for buying local food from our farm!


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