Circle S Farm bringing Temple Top Dog Treats to Main Street Farmer’s Market March 10,2021

“Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible and cautious, but because it has been playful….”  Tom Robbins

This is music to these two.  Because they love being playful almost as much as they love each other.

Farm News:  Plenty of tail wagging, wrestling and running.  Bluebell got to spend the week with us.  I am ashamed to say, Diamond wanted to go home with her.  She wanted to give it all up- her farm life, her older brother, Curtis and me – just to get to live with Bluebell and keep the party going.  It took convincing her with Temple Top Treats to change her mind – after all, her Mom is a partner in a Dog Treat company:)

We will be at Main Street Market with Temple Top Dog Treats this week.  Hopefully with some veggies soon.  See you there!

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