Circle S CSA delivery Monday, July 13 and Thursday, July 16 and MSFM pick-up Wednesday, July 15

Eating crow is a colloquial idiom,[1] used in some English-speaking countries, that means humiliation by admitting having been proven wrong after taking a strong position.[2] The crow is a carrion-eater that is presumably repulsive to eat in the same way that being proven wrong might be emotionally hard to swallow.[2] The exact origin of the idiom is unknown, but it probably began with an American story published around 1850 about a dim-witted New York farmer.[3]

The crows are eating my tomatoes.  Just as they start to turn ripe.    They pulled up all my sweet corn….I planted it three times.  I’m infuriated.  Crows get their bad name from eating other things besides tomatoes and corn – but nevertheless….

Farm News:  The crows are eating my tomatoes.  I also think they have been eating my bell peppers.  I am so aggravated!

What’s in the bucket:  Tomatoes, the ones NOT eaten by the crows!!  Luckily they haven’t ravaged my cherry tomatoes yet.  Cherry tomatoes, basil, Daikon, cucumbers, squash, green beans, edamame soybeans, peppers.  AND – yahoo PEACHES from Jones Farm – and Blueberries from our farm and from our friends at Broadfork Meadows Farm.  This will be the last week for fruit probably – other than from our farm – maybe a few blueberries and pie apples from our trees.

Even though lettuce is out of season – you can still make a refreshing salad as a side dish.

Following a recipe from the Spruce Eats .  Serve this with a piece of King Salmon from Thomas Persinger.  He has the most amazing selection of ethically sourced fish.


Japanese cuisine has many different types of salads, but one of the most traditional is known as sunomono, which is a salad simply seasoned with rice vinegar, salt, and sugar. While the salad can be made with almost any type of vegetable, one of the most common ingredients is cucumber. In general, sunomono is best made with Japanese cucumber; however, substitutions may include Persian cucumber, baby cucumbers or English cucumbers.


  • 1 small cucumber (thinly sliced into rounds)
  • 1 small piece daikon radish (peeled and thinly sliced into 1/2- or 1/4-rounds)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 5 tablespoons rice vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
Put cucumber and daikon slices in a large bowl and sprinkle with salt. Allow the vegetables to sweat for about 5 to 10 minutes. You’ll notice excess liquid form at the bottom of the bowl.
  1. Wash off the daikon and cucumber slices, then drain through a strainer.  Lightly squeeze the vegetables to remove any excess liquid and put into a clean bowl.

  2. In a separate small bowl, mix rice vinegar and sugar together until incorporated well. Pour the vinegar mixture over the cucumber and daikon slices. Allow the flavors to meld by setting aside for about 15 minutes.  Spoon into individual dishes or a large bowl and serve.  Alternatively, chill the salad for 30 minutes or until cold.

    Happy Eating and thanks for buying local food from our farm!



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