Circle S Farm CSA update

“And sure enough, even waiting will end…if you can just wait long enough.”
― William Faulkner

I think waiting is something farmer’s are used to.  Waiting for a chicken to lay an egg.  Waiting for a plant to grow. Waiting for a cow to calve.

Just because we are used to it doesn’t mean we are good at it.  Every year it is a miracle to me that a seed will germinate and grow.  It truly is a miracle.  So I find myself anxious in waiting.  And mother nature loves to intervene with wind and heavy rain….a late freeze,  just to keep us on our toes.  But then eventually, the soil will warm, the plant will root and it will grow.

And I know that so many of us our waiting right now.  Waiting to go back to work, waiting to visit family, waiting to go to a restaurant and eat.  So, specifically I am impatient this year because I know that filling your plate with beautiful, nutritious food would be a treat.  So I tell the plants “hurry…..hurry”.

A note to all CSA members:  I will be getting fruit from Roy Jones at Jones Farm this year for my CSA.  Strawberries and hopefully peaches.  Roy grows the most beautiful, sustainable fruits.  The crows ate my strawberries for the second year in a row last year and I decided to give up the fight.  Everything else, veggies, flowers, eggs, and other fruits will come from right here at Circle S.

We are on track to begin the CSA this year May 18.  If we can start sooner I will do so. ” If we can just wait long enough….”

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