Circle S Farm CSA delivery Monday, Memorial Day, May 29, and Thursday, June 1, MSFM pickup Wednesday, May 31

“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way.” — Georgia O’Keeffe

OK, obviously not a a Georgia O’Keeffe, but pretty because of the colors and shapes.  My Mom always wanted us to have color on our plates.  And so I think I learned it from her.  But health must come from diversity, and different colors and shapes help create that diversity.

In agriculture these days, I think most of us are missing this piece.  Big Ag plants fields – hundreds of thousands of acres in just corn, just soybeans, just wheat.  And I’m sure it is because of the equipment involved in cultivating and harvesting these crops.  But no field is healthy without diversity.  So all the thousands of acres we plant this way are not healthy.  They do not have diverse wildlife habitat.  They do not have diverse soil organisms.  They do not promote healthy people, healthy environments, healthy animals.

Even for our cows to eat- we hope that our fields have a wild, hearty mix of grasses and legumes, weeds and flowers.  We hope they can grow tall to cover the soil, and provide habitats for birds and other animals, with deep roots and healthy soils.

It all comes back to color.  Color and shapes.  And with that being said…. for this memorial day we have another colorful bucket!

Farm News:  It’s Memorial day but we are still working hard.  Curtis cutting hay today.  And with that comes equipment trouble and usually frustration.  Weather?  Equipment?  Really hard to get hay in the barn.  And when winter comes you want the barn full!

What’s in the bucket?  Romaine, iceberg and bibb lettuce, colorful mixed kale bouquet, pink and purple daikon radishes, purple spring peas, beets, purple kohlrabi, mint.  Do not despair, Romaine and iceberg hold well in the fridge.  Keep some of it…. you will be glad in a few weeks when we are on to potatoes and beans to have that delicious cool lettuce.

The recipe this week is from me – a copycat version of Bread and Butter’s chickpea salad.  Think lettuce wraps for lunch!  You could add some rice to this and make a hearty cool meal for dinner.  Serve with sliced Daikon radishes and spring peas as a dip for friends.  I decided to make it for lunch today to give me a protein boost.  I’m embarrassed to say, I thought it would last the week but I ate it all!

one can chickpeas drained and mashed with a fork

one cup grated or chopped veggies including radishes, kohlrabi or carrots or spring peas.  Broccoli would work.  Anything you like and have in your fridge.

Add a healthy dolop of Mayo – to your liking – and squeeze a wedge of lemon, lime, orange or as a last resort a splash of apple cider vinegar.

sprinkle over the top one Tablespoon mint leaves minced, spring onion tops chopped if you have tons left in your fridge:)

mix together, add salt and pepper to taste.

optional:  serve with cold rice and iceberg lettuce wedges like lettuce wraps

Happy eating, Happy Memorial Day, Thanks for buying local food from Circle S Farm!


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