Circle S CSA delivery May 5 and Main Street Market Pick-up May 7

“It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird:  it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg”.  -C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity


Farm News:  This is the time of year when the hens are happy!!  Hunting bugs and worms and scratch scratch scratching around.   I heard a shot the other morning and usually that means a fox or coyote has decided to take his chances on grabbing one of our happy hens for himself.  When Curtis appeared, he was carrying the hen, obviously maimed and put out of her misery.  I asked what it was, “hawk? fox”?  “No, it was your horse”.

Not the first time I have been disappointed in what one of my animals has chosen for an activity – pawing a chicken for fun.  Or maybe she’s just an angry horse.  Maybe I should sign her up for therapy.

The garden is slow!!  I have planted a new spot and have high hopes, but I am still patiently waiting.  But don’t worry – I have plenty of greens and lettuce planted in the high tunnels – enough  for you to get plenty of nutrition!!

So – kale in your bucket?  Kale has the HIGHEST  ORAC rating.  What the hell is ORAC you ask?  ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity.  That means it is a great cancer fighter – it zaps all those free radicals floating around in your body.  So eat your greens and enjoy!!

What’s In The Bucket?  Kale, Mustard or Collard greens, red leaf lettuce, NAPA cabbage, mixed baby lettuces, radishes or spring onions, and perhaps a handful of the sugar snap peas which are just getting started.

If you just can’t get excited about Kale (or your family doesn’t like it) try making pesto out of it.

Kale and Walnut Pesto

1/4 cup chopped walnuts

1 T plus 1/2 t salt, divided

1/2 pound Kale, coarsely chopped (about 1 bunch)

2 cloves garlic

1/2 cup olive oil

1/2 cup freshly grated parmesan

freshly ground black pepper

1. Toast chopped walnuts in a heavy skillet (preferably cast iron) over high heat stirring constantly until they become fragrant.  Be careful not to burn.  Put in dish to cool.

2. Bring 2 quarts of water and 1 T salt to a boil.  Cook Kale until tender, about 10 minutes.  Drain

3.  Put garlic, walnuts and kale in blender or food processor; pulse until well combined.  With food processor running, pour in olive oil in a steady pencil thin stream.

When ingredients are thoroughly combined, transfer to a bowl.   Stir in Parmesan, remaining 1/2 t salt and lots of black pepper.  Serve hot.

Great over pasta or roasted potatoes!!

If you need a good recipe for NAPA cabbage, see Asian slaw recipe from last week’s post.

Happy Eating and thanks for buying local food from our farm!!





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Circle S Farm CSA share April 28 and April 30

What’s in the bucket?  Napa cabbage, red leaf lettuce, mesclun or sweet lettuce mix, greens (kale, mustard and/or collard)

Farm News: Baby chicks coming this week!  They will ship from the hatchery Monday and arrive at our post office in a box, chirping away.  Day old chicks.

We will put them under a heat lamp in a brooder stall for 2 weeks then out onto pasture to exercise and eat grass and bugs!!  Hopefully we can keep the coons and possums out and keep them safe.



Grate or thinly slice one head of Napa cabbage and one carrot.  Chop one spring onion and the leaves from one bunch of mint.  Add chopped peanuts if desired.  Toss with enough dressing to coat veggies but not drench ( you may have dressing left over).  Should serve 4-6 people.

6 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
6 tablespoons vegetable oil
6 tablespoons peanut butter
3 tablespoons soy sauce
3 tablespoons brown sugar
2 tablespoons fresh ginger, minced
2 tablespoons garlic, minced

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snow day

Beautiful day of sparkling snow and sunshine.  We got about a foot of snow I think.  The chickens don’t know what to do about it – they can’t walk in it because it is so deep.  Thus the saying – they are all cooped up!!

Curtis and I spent hours yesterday trying to knock the snow off the high tunnels.  We were afraid it would be too heavy and they would collapse.  So far, so good.  This heavy kind of snow is a bit risky for tunnels – they aren’t built to carry a very heavy load here in the south!!snow tunnels

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Circle S 2014 Sign up information available

Farm News:  We are working and planning to get ready for our 2014 CSA season.  We have updated our sign up information.  Just click on the link CSA sign up, print the page and send it in.

We will be at the Main Street Farmer’s Market this Wednesday, New Year’s Day with plenty of greens to make your 2014 profitable!!  Also, kohlrabi, green onions, turnips, radishes, and all cuts of beef!!!

Happy Eating and thanks for buying local food.

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We have been busy haying (I say we – really Curtis has done all the work).  Put up over 200 round bales for winter – our cows, horses and sheep should all be happy!  Maybe now we will get some rain.

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