Circle S Farm CSA delivery Monday, September 30 and MSFM pick-up Wednesday, October 2, 2024

“Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

Here I am.  Camping out in the garden.  The deer are ….were so hungry.  For something green and full of moisture.

The moles were too, tunneling all the way down my drip tape rows.  Damaging roots and looking for water.

Every fall it is like this.  I always get excited about the fall garden.  Harvesting in cooler weather.  It’s going to be great, right.  Wrong.

Why can’t I remember?  The deer? Always a problem.

One year the cows busted in to my fall garden and that was that.  On the last day of my CSA.  I was running and picking greens and things in front of their hungry mouths.  We laughed and said the cows were  “collard fed beef” instead of grass fed.  Does anyone think I will remember next year?  Not likely.  I am not known for my memory.  In fact, I wonder if I’ll ever know when my memory starts to fail, it’s been so poor all along.

So we begin early.  I was hoping to have a Thanksgiving bucket.  But my nerves are shot.  And although fun for a while, I’m tired of sleeping in the garden in my coleman tent alongside my deer herding dog.

Farm News:  We survived the storm (another reason my nerves are shot).  All animals and buildings made it through.  Thankful for the rain, although the garden is a bit battered. I left some bigger squash on the vines to anchor them against the wind.  It seemed to help.

My new group of hens are laying the most colorful, beautiful eggs.  They are still pullet eggs, so a bit small.

Fall blast starts Monday.

What’s in the bucket:  summer squash, mustard greens, loads of sweet peppers and a few hot ones, edamame soybeans (apparently a deer delicacy), head lettuce, daikon radishes with greens,  oregano.

The recipe this week comes from my kitchen.  Something I do frequently when we have summer squash.  This week it will be slightly mediterranean due to the oregano.  Serve with a white flakey fish and crusty bread, or alongside a salad, and/or with your favorite grain or pasta.

MAYBE…Boil the edamame for an appetizer in water until tender.  Drain and salt to taste.  Peel the leftovers and add to your salad or squash.

summer squash and sweet pepper saute


2 large or 4 medium yellow squash, sliced thinly

1 sweet red pepper, also sliced thinly

1/2 small onion thinly sliced, or 2 spring onions or a sprinkle of onion powder if you don’t have any onions

olive oil and/or butter

salt and pepper

oregano leaves (pull the leaves from the stem, and chop)

Saute everything together on medium to low heat until vegetables are crisp tender.

And -lucky us.  Matt Olsen at Scenic City Wines is giving us a wine pairing for our recipes this fall.  You can pick up a bottle at his store in St. Elmo.

This week:

Emilio Moro “Polvorete” Godello Bierzo

92 Points – Wine Enthusiast: “Light straw colored in the glass, this wine has a peach nose with a touch of flint. It is bright on entry and offers grapefruit, apricot and oyster-shell flavors with hints of crumbled sage and orange blossom. Twin veins of minerality and acidity light up the palate.”

Happy Eating, Happy Forgetful, Happy Wine and Thanks for buying local food from

Circle S Farm.



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