Circle S Farm CSA delivery Monday, July 8, 2024 final delivery for spring/summer session

“The storm starts, when the drops start dropping
When the drops stop dropping then the storm starts stopping.”
― Dr. Seuss

There was a rain storm Friday.  A little bit of help for the heat and drought.  More rain predicted for next week.  Maybe the drops will not stop dropping.

I had planned on getting strawberries early on, and peaches from Jones Farm to add to CSA shares.  As it turns out, he did not have a bumper crop of strawberries, and keeps selling out of peaches, so I have not been able to get any.  Apologies for the lack of fruit this season.

This is the very last week of the spring/summer session.  Thank you all for participating!  Our farm depends on CSA income to keep on going….so you are helping us protect our farmland, and eating local food which is a boost for the local economy and the environment.  Just think of how many cucumbers have traveled from our farm to your door instead of across the country, or across the world.

Farm News:    Friday, were checking fence and I heard Tip yelp from a distance.  I called him and he came.  And with him an angry Mamma deer.  He must have gotten to close to her baby.  She chased him from here to Ten Buck Two.   When he came back he was heat exhausted and bleeding.  Not sure if he cut himself on the fence or if she got him with a hoof.

We cooled him by bringing him in the AC and putting cold towels on him.  He finally recovered enough to drink and quit panting.  Then a trip to the vet and a few stitches.  He is almost back to normal now, but I’m hoping he learned his lesson.  There are lots of baby deer about.

Fall CSA:  We are taking a long break to replant for Fall.  Here is the link to the online store.


If you would like to sign up, please do so before August 1.  I will not be delivering to Downtown or Hixson for Fall, so if you will have to pick up your share at Main Street Farmer’s Market if you are not on Lookout Mountain or in St. Elmo.

What we are planting for Fall? Ginger, a few sweet potatoes, russet potatoes, October beans, winter squash, edamame, a few tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, greens and of course broccoli and cabbage.  Probably carrots and beets as well.

What’s in the bucket?  onions and taters…cucumbers…carrots.  Fennel, okra, cherry tomatoes, mint or lemon balm and green tomatoes (I planted them for you guys, maybe they can turn red on your countertop.) Or green tomatoes can be good in curry or pickled.

Recipe for the week:  Quinoa Tabouleh

3 cups cooked quinoa

2 lemons, zested and juiced

1/4 cup olive oil

1 garlic clove

salt and pepper to taste

2 small cucumbers, sliced and cut into small pieces

1 carrot grated

1 fennel bulb sliced thinly, and any fronds chopped for garnish

1/2 cup olives pitted and halved

1/2 cup chopped mint, lemon balm or leftover celery tops from last week, chopped or a combination of all.

You can also add feta cheese, or chick peas if desired.  I had some red cabbage in the fridge that needed a home, so I added some of it.

Grate lemon zest and garlic.

Then juice the lemons and squeeze 1/4 cup juice into a large bowl (strain seeds out)  Add zest and garlic and olive oil.

Add other ingredients and stir together.  Taste and adjust seasonings.

Thanks again to all of you.  Happy Eating.  Happy Tabouleh.  Hope the drops will not stop dropping.  Thanks for buying local food from Circle S Farm.


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