Circle S Farm CSA delivery Monday, July 1 and MSFM pick-up Wednesday, July 3, 2024

“It is wise to master your self, but it is wiser to leave a few rogue thoughts, some few doubts, and some loose ends. It is into the wild and unfinished places that we can grow.”
― Chris Ernest Nelson

If this is true….then Curtis and I are the tallest people on earth.  If that’s how we grow….tall.  We have so many wild and unfinished places.  They are everywhere you look.  Unfinished fences, unfinished outbuildings, unfinished house addition, unfinished mowing, unfinished planting.   I sometimes think if we ever finish then we will be finished.  Perhaps that is why we don’t.

Speaking of which, we are almost finished with the spring/summer CSA session.  There, see, one thing I am going to finish!  And so thinking towards our next….I am going to take a long break to try to work on some of these unfinished projects and to plant for fall.  So no Dog Days session this year.  I am posting the information for Fall CSA on my online store (go to the home page and click shop now).  It will be a six week fall session starting late September and running through Thanksgiving.

What we are planting for Fall Blast:  Ginger, winter squash, October beans, greens, carrots, beets, russet potatoes, a few sweet potatoes and of course cabbage and broccoli.  We will have some late peppers and perhaps field peas.  My new herd of chickens should start laying about September…so keeping egg shares on the list.  Hopefully we will have some colorful golden eggs!

What is in the bucket this week:  carrots, onions, russet baking potatoes, summer squash, maybe a splash of okra or a few cherrytomatoes, celery (mostly leaves which are great for garnish or using like parsley), green beans.

What’s for dinner?  I am making pasta salad.  I have some broccoli and red cabbage hanging around from last week, and planning to add some summer squash, carrots and green beans.  Maybe some salty olives and garbanzos.  Some crusty bread on the side.

Here’s how:

Unfinished Pasta Salad

Boil some short pasta (elbows, rotini, penne….)

drain it and let it cool, drizzle some olive oil on it to keep from sticking

add steamed veggies (full disclosure, sometimes I use the microwave, 3 minutes in a covered glass dish)   I would leave the squash, cabbage and onions raw.  If you get tired, leave it deliciously unfinished.

stir in Mom’s vinaigrette to coat (recipe below) but not too much.

Add beans or cheese if you wish, or serve with a protein and crusty bread:)

Mom’s vinaigrette

1 T dijon mustard

4T red wine vinegar

1t sugar

1/2 t salt

1/2 t pepper

a pinch of other dried herbs if you like such as parsley, thyme or oregano

1/2 c olive oil

Combine in a jar with tight fitting lid.  Shake vigorously until combined.

unfinished pasta salad



Happy Eating, Happy Wild and Unfinished places, and Thanks for buying local food from Circle S Farm.

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