Update on Circle S Farm CSA and market

“I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer.”
— Abraham Lincoln

When I look out the window, nothing has changed.  Luckily, as far as we know, our animals are not susceptible to this virus.  Our processor is still working, although she said they were swamped.  I am in agreement with Abraham Lincoln, that we will all get through this together.  And if you don’t drink beer, then perhaps hot tea?

We are trying to get things started early (our fields are still so wet!) so we can offer a delivery service for our vegetables, meat and eggs starting in April.  I am extending our sign up for CSA shares until the end of March, because of the uncertainty of whether our market will remain open or not.  I am also working on an online ordering system – so you can order things online and have them delivered to your house.  Unfortunately, our delivery area remains Lookout Mountain, St. Elmo, Downtown Chattanooga and North Chattanooga.  Our delivery days will remain Mondays and Wednesdays, to give us time for other farm work.

We will be extremely vigilant about our sanitation here.  Jennifer and I are the only garden workers – so we will double scrub everything to make sure your food is safe.  We will make sure there are no visitors in and out, so we are minimizing our customers risk.

We are looking forward to growing food for you in such an uncertain time.  We want you to know we will do our very best to keep you healthy and well fed!


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