Circle S Farm CSA delivery Monday, August 13 and MSFM pick-up Wednesday, August 15

“Be careful about reading health books.  Some fine day you’ll die of a misprint.”  -Markus Herz

It’s funny how as human’s we don’t know what we should eat.  We constantly battle between eating what’s healthy and….what’s easy.  Because, let’s admit it, cooking is work.  Even the simplest dishes require….dishes.   And that’s just it.  Dishes need to be washed.

I often envy the cows.  They get to move to greener pastures every day or two.  They munch down on fresh grass and seem so happy.  And guess what….no dishes!  I have to admit – I’ve eaten many meals in the garden.  My favorite way to eat okra is right off the stalk – I’m spoiled that way.  But I think Curtis might protest a garden walk for dinner.  That’s how he got to be the Dish Washer!

Farm News:  We are over halfway through the CSA.  I start getting Lazy at this point in the game – the girls and I are ready to go for strolls around the farm instead of doing our garden work.  The chickens get lazy too and I have to give them a strict talking to about our egg production!  Thanks to those of you who have been shorted on eggs for your understanding.

What’s in the bucket:  mixed baby lettuces, edamame soybeans, fennel, summer squash, a grand finale of tomatoes, a mountain of basil, dregs of the garlic harvest.

What’s at market:  baby lettuce, edamame, fennel, summer squash, tomatoes, basil, purple potato.

A salad would be nice as we sweat out the dog days of summer.  Steam your soybeans with some salt and shell the leftovers to throw in the mix…..and the baby squash- the little ones that are so tender.   A few cherry tomatoes and lettuce soaked in ice water and spun dry.  Try some lemon garlic vinaigrette with that and tadaa…

And how about serving that salad with some bruschetta – made of roasted cherry tomatoes and garlic like Jennifer shared with me last week.  Delish.

Lemon Vinaigrette

Juice of one lemon mixed with equal amount of olive oil or grape seed oil.  One clove pressed garlic and salt and pepper to taste.

Roasted Cherry Tomato Bruschetta

Preheat oven to 325.

one pint cherry tomatoes

one garlic clove minced

1 T basil cut into thin ribbons

one fennel bulb minced (optional but delicious)

olive oil

salt and pepper

Toss all ingredients but basil with olive oil and salt and pepper.  Roast about 45 minutes, watching that the garlic doesn’t burn.  Remove from oven and let cool a little.  You can top your crusty bread with this mixture and then sprinkle with basil .  Serve immediately.  OR stir basil in and serve room temp. with bread or chips or pasta.  You can also serve with anchovies or salty olives on the side.






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